Virtual Assistants Overview
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Concepts and Terminology
Quick Start Guide
Accessing the Platform
Navigating the XO Platform
Building a Virtual Assistant
Help & Learning Resources
Release Notes
Current Version
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Request a Feature
Conversation Designer
Dialog Tasks
Mock Scenes
Dialog Tasks
Navigate Dialog Tasks
Build Dialog Tasks
Node Types
Intent Node
Dialog Node
Dynamic Intent Node
GenAI Node v2
Configure GenAI Node v2
GenAI Node
GenAI Prompt
Entity Node
Form Node
Confirmation Node
Message Nodes
Logic Node
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Webhook Node
Script Node
Process Node
Agent Transfer
Node Connections
Node Connections Setup
Sub-Intent Scoping
Entity Types
Entity Rules
User Prompts or Messages
Voice Call Properties
Knowledge AI
Knowledge Graph
Build a Knowledge Graph
Manage FAQs
Knowledge Extraction
Import or Export Knowledge Graph
Prepare Data for Import
Importing Knowledge Graph
Exporting Knowledge Graph
Auto-Generate Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph Analysis
Answer from Documents
Alert Tasks
Small Talk
Digital Skills
Digital Forms
Digital Views
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
Intent Discovery
NLP Optimization
ML Engine
Model Validation
FM Engine
KG Engine
Traits Engine
Ranking and Resolver
Training Validations
NLP Configurations
NLP Guidelines
LLM and Generative AI
LLM Integration XO GPT Module
Prompts & Requests Library
Co-Pilot Features
Dynamic Conversations Features
Event Handlers
Contextual Memory
Contextual Intents
Interruption Management
Multi-intent Detection
Amending Entities
Default Conversations
Conversation Driven Dialog Builder
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Default Standard Responses
Ignore Words & Field Memory
Test & Debug
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Conversation Testing
Conversation Testing Overview
Create a Test Suite
Test Editor
Test Case Assertion
Test Case Execution Summary
Health and Monitoring
NLP Health
Flow Health
Actions Overview
Azure OpenAI
Google Maps
Microsoft Graph
Open AI
Agent Transfer Overview
Custom (BotKit)
NiceInContact(User Hub)
Configure Tokyo and Lower versions
Configure Utah and Higher versions
External NLU Adapters
Dialogflow Engine
Test and Debug
Dashboard Filters
Overview Dashboard
Conversations Dashboard
Users Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
Custom Dashboards
Custom Meta Tags
Create Custom Dashboard
Create Custom Dashboard Filters
LLM and Generative AI Logs
NLP Insights
Task Execution Logs
Conversations History
Conversation Flows
Conversation Insights
Feedback Analytics
Usage Metrics
Containment Metrics
Universal Bots
Universal Bot Definition
Universal Bot Creation
Training a Universal Bot
Universal Bot Customizations
Enabling Languages
Manage Assistant
Team Collaboration
Plan & Usage
Usage Plans
Support Plans
Conversation Sessions
Multilingual Virtual Assistants
Get Started
Supported Components & Features
Manage Languages
Manage Translation Services
Multiingual Virtual Assistant Behavior
Feedback Survey
Masking PII Details
IVR Settings
General Settings
Assistant Management
Manage Namespace
Data Table
Table Views
App Definitions
Data as Service
Build a Travel Planning Assistant
Travel Assistant Overview
Create a Travel Virtual Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create an ‘Update Booking’ Task
Create a Change Flight Task
Build a Knowledge Graph
Schedule a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Train the Assistant
Use Traits
Use Patterns
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Use Bot Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Use Web SDK
Build a Banking Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create a Sample Banking Assistant
Create a Transfer Funds Task
Create a Update Balance Task
Create a Knowledge Graph
Set Up a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Add Data from Digital Forms
Train the Assistant
Composite Entities
Use Traits
Use Patterns for Intents & Entities
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Configure an Agent Transfer
Use Assistant Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Intent Scoping using Group Node
Analyze the Assistant
Create a Custom Dashboard
Use Custom Meta Tags in Filters
API Reference
API Introduction
Rate Limits
API List
koreUtil Libraries
SDK Reference
SDK Introduction
How the Web SDK Works
SDK Security
SDK Registration
Web Socket Connect and RTM
Widget SDK Tutorial
Web SDK Tutorial
BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Deployment Guide
Installing the BotKit SDK
Using the BotKit SDK
SDK Events
SDK Functions
Installing Botkit in AWS
BotKit - Blue Prism
BotKit - Flight Search Sample VA
BotKit - Agent Transfer

Intro to Bots Admin Console
Administration Dashboard
User Management
Managing Your Users
Managing Your Groups
Role Management
Manage Data Tables and Views
Bot Management
Inviting Users
Sending Bulk Invites to Enroll Users
Importing Users and User Data
Synchronizing Users from Active Directory
Security & Compliance
Using Single Sign-On
Two-Factor Authentication for Platform Access
Security Settings
Cloud Connector
Analytics for Bots Admin
  1. Home
  2. Docs
  3. Virtual Assistants
  4. Builder
  5. Alert Task
  6. Alert Tasks

Alert Tasks

Alert Tasks deliver timely, relevant, and personalized information from enterprise systems to customers and employees by polling the relevant service in real time or according to a user-defined schedule. These alerts contain detailed information such as name, ID, notes, amount, and more, in a variety of formats for each channel.

Key Features

  • Scheduled Alerts: Users can schedule alerts to trigger according to the days, times, and frequencies they specify.
  • Filtered Alerts: Users can configure alerts to trigger when certain thresholds are met such as amounts, dates, text matches, and more.

Example Use Cases

The following are a few example use cases for alert tasks:

  • Time or location-based promotional offers,
  • Scheduled delivery updates,
  • Inventory level changes,
  • Critical issue notification,
  • Weather related alerts, 
  • Cross-company status changes.


To configure an alert task, you must configure the following settings:

General Settings

The first step is to define what the task looks like to the end-user. The General Settings include details such as task name, connection mode, descriptions, and a few advanced settings such as task demo, search keywords, etc.

  1. Open the VA in which you want to create the alert task.
  2. Select Build from the top menu.
  3. From the left menu, click Conversational Skills -> Alert Tasks.
  4. Click Create Alert Task.
  5. Enter the information required by the Alert Task, according to the table below.



Task Name

The name of the alert task displayed on the Platform.

Display Name

The name of the alert task is displayed in the Store. The Task Name doubles up as the display name by default. However, you can change the display name.

Connection Type

Select one of these connection types for the task:

  1. Webhook – The web application pushes data to a task URL endpoint provided by
  2. RSS – The web service returns RSS feeds when polled by, and may require end-user login credentials.
  3. Webservice – The web service sends data to when polled by using the end-user account login credentials.

Connection Mode

When the Connection Type is set to Webservice, specify the Connection Mode for the connection as:

  1. REST – The alert task uses a REST API connection. or
  2. SOAP – The alert task uses a SOAP API connection.

Input Preconditions:

The intent will be detected only if any of the context tags specified as pre-conditions are available in the context at the time of intent detection. This setting is available after clicking More Options.

Context Output:

Define the context tags to be set in the context when this intent is initiated. This setting is available after clicking More Options.

Advanced Settings

To configure the advanced settings for the task, expand the section and enter the relevant details.

The following table describes the fields in the Advanced Settings section of the General tab.



Task Install Confirmation Message

The message displayed to the end-user when the task is successfully set up.

Turn Off Confirmation Messages

Select Yes to disable confirmation of the execution of a task when using NLP. When No is selected, the user is asked to confirm the task before running it.

Search Keywords

Specify one or more search words an end-user can use to help locate this task in the Bot Store.

Task Demo Link

Enter the demo link, for example, to display a task demo icon next to the task displayed in the Store.


You must define how the end-user must be authorized to get the alert task notification message. For example, Twitter is an alert task using web services that require an authorized end-user. The authorization for the alert task is the same end-user log-in username and password for Twitter to allow to access the end-user account and poll for the alert task data.

Note: Authorization for alert tasks with the Connection Type set to Webhook is not required as part of the alert task configuration.

After you define the general settings for an alert task, the next step is to go to the Authorization section on the API Request tab.

To get started with defining the Authorization for a task,

  1. On the API Request tab, click the Expand icon in the Authorization section.
  2. If you have previously defined authorization for this task, you can select from the Authorization Provider drop-down list. If your task does not require authentication, you can select None in the Authorization Provider drop-down list as shown in the following image.
  3. To define a new authorization provider, click Create New.
  4. On the New Authorization Mechanism window, select the type of authorization used by your bot from the Authorization Type drop-down list.
  5. You can choose one of the following types of authorization:
    1. Basic Auth – A standard protocol to collect username and password information. uses SSL encryption in combination with basic authentication to help secure end-user information. Click here for the configuration details.
    2. OAuth v2 Password Grant Type – Define a custom authorization type for non-standard web service authorization types. Click here for the configuration details.
    3. OAuth v2 Client Credential
    4. OAuth v1 – Enables web applications or web services to access protected resources using an API without end-users having to disclose their login credentials to Click here for the configuration details.
    5. OAuth v2 – The newest version of the OAuth protocol focusing on specific authorization flows for web applications and web services. Click here for the configuration details.
    6. API Key – An identification and authorization token generated or provided by a web application or web service used to identify the incoming application request, and in some cases, also provide authentication for secure access. Click here for the configuration details.

API Requests

Configure the API request that asks for data from your website, system, or web application for the task. You can configure the API Request Settings as an action task for WebHook, Rest, SOAP, or RSS APIs. You can define API Parameters, optional API task Initializer, API Request pre- or post-processor, and the API Request. You also need to add a Response Sample expected from your API Request payload.

After you define the authorization mechanism and then click Save Auth, you are ready to configure the alert task request. The configuration settings for an alert task request are based on the Connection Type that you define for the task:

Bot Responses

After you describe your alert task General tab settings and then configure the alert task API request chain, you are ready to define how the alert task results are displayed to the end-user. This section describes how to configure an alert task response.

To define the response object for an alert task, there are two sections:

  • Report Template Definition – For some tasks, you may want to display report data to the end-user as a link that can display the payload response using a template, such as a table, contact card, or formatted for a specific message type such as a weather report.
    Note: This section is not used for webhook alert tasks, action tasks, or RSS alert tasks.
    Refer here for Configuring the Report Template Definition
  • Message Definition – In this section, you define the look and feel of the data presented to the end-user when the alert is displayed based on the payload delivered by the webhook. Refer here for details.

Alert Settings

Define the schedule or filter settings for the alert. schedule alerts to trigger according to the days, times, and frequencies they specify, whereas filtered alerts trigger when certain thresholds are met such as amounts, dates, text matches, and more.

After you define the General tab settings for your Alert task, configure the API request chain, define the Bot response message, then you are ready to define the settings for the task, such as filters, when the alert task runs, and other advanced options. This section describes how to define the parameters on the Settings tab for an alert task.

Note: This section does not apply to webhook alert tasks.

To configure the settings for an alert task, other than a webhook alert task, you will need to define:

  • Filters – You can define filters for end-users to limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs. For example, you can define a filter for the name, or account, or business. When the alert is set up by the end-user, and the filter applied, only alert messages that meet the filter specifications are displayed to the end-user. For more information, see Defining Filters for a Task.
  • Schedule – Alert tasks only reach out to a web service for data when the VA makes a request. For each task, you need to define when, and how often the web service is queried for data for an alert message. You can define the scheduling options presented to the end-user when the task is set up, as well as the default schedule for the task. For more information, see Configuring the Schedule for a Task.
  • Advanced Settings – In the Advanced Settings section, you can define alert task settings for enabling and limiting the initial set of alert messages displayed to the end-user when the task is set up, define alert message reminders, and if required, prevent duplicate messages sent to the user. For more information, see Define Advanced Settings.

Version Namespaces

Associate the Variable Namespaces to be used to execute this task. The system will use the variables only from these Namespaces to execute this task. This option is only available if you have enabled Namespaces. Learn more

Version History

You may need to troubleshoot alert tasks that have been upgraded. In the XO Platform , you can view version changes of each alert task to determine if, and how many times an alert task was upgraded.

In the Alert Tasks section, click the Settings (gear) icon for the task to view versions for, and then click Version History.

The Version History page contains the following columns:

  • Version Number – The version number of the upgrade as a minor upgrade, using X.X syntax, for example, 1.3 where 1 is the major version upgrade number, and 3 is the minor version upgrade number.
  • Changed By – The username of the developer of the bot that made the upgrade changes.
  • Changed Date – The date that the bot was approved and published by the Enterprise Admin.
  • Comments – The Upgrade Comments provided by the developer that made the changes to the bot for an upgrade.

The following illustration is an example of the Version History page for a bot with three minor upgrades, and one major upgrade to version 2.

View Logs

You may need to troubleshoot alert tasks. In the Bot Builder tool, you can view logged events for configured and published alert tasks that interact with the Bots Platform and third-party applications. The View Logs command displays archived log events for each alert task instance that you can use to view the alert task request and the application response.

In the Alert Tasks section, click the Settings (gear) icon for the task to view logs for, and then click View Logs. The Logs page for the bot alert task opens.

You can refresh the entries on the Logs page when needed.

Each log entry represents the results of the alert task as a JSON response.


    “requestLogs”: [{

        “name”: “Request 1”,

        “request”: {

            “endpoint”: “{channel}.xml”,

            “pathFields”: {

                “channel”: “latestnews”,

                “lastRun”: “2016-12-02T16:50:45Z”,

                “now”: “2016-12-02T16:56:37Z”,

                “today”: “2016-12-02”


            “payloadFields”: {},

            “headerFields”: {

                “If-Modified-Since”: “Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:30:28 GMT”,

                “If-None-Match”: “\”525734-3a49-5426bfa6dff80\””



        “response”: {

            “status”: 200,

            “headers”: {

                “server”: “Kore.aiOps”,

                “last-modified”: “Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:50:10 GMT”,

                “accept-ranges”: “bytes”,

                “content-encoding”: “gzip”,

                “pragma”: “no-cache”,

                “content-length”: “3554”,

                “content-type”: “application/xml”,

                “vary”: “Accept-Encoding”,

                “expires”: “Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT”,

                “cache-control”: “max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate”,

                “age”: “0”,

                “connection”: “keep-alive”


            “body”: ” \n\t \n\t \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Latest News\n\t\t\t\tLatest News from\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:20:01 +0530\n\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Logo\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFeed provided by Moneycontrol.\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tPradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha” title=”Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tNote ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Archana Shukla” title=”Archana Shukla” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The government’s decision to ban old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes has made life difficult for small famers. Trading is a hassle and life in the Madhya Pradesh town is almost at a standstill.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:14:01 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket” title=”Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise. The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tMallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order” title=”Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> A special anti-money laundering\r\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\r\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\r\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\r\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRussian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist” title=”Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The bank said it managed to recover some of that amount – USD26 million — but it did not say if that meant the rest had been stolen.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:46:45 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBank of England’s Haldane warns against hasty rate hike\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Bank of England’s Haldane warns against hasty rate hike” title=”Bank of England’s Haldane warns against hasty rate hike” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The Bank of England’s chief economist, Andrew Haldane, said on Friday it would be risky to raise interest rates too hastily and that he was comfortable with the BoE’s recent shift to a neutral stance on what its next monetary policy move should be.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:44:54 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tTourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch” title=”Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The demonetisation move is impacting various segments of the society. The tourists coming to India are also feeling the pinch of the cash crunch. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:53 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPolitical funding audits key to success of demonetisation: Pros\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Ashok Lahiri” title=”Ashok Lahiri” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The political parties must be open to audits, believe both Govinda Rao, former member, PMEA and Ashok Lahiri, former chief economic advisor. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:32 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCore Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors” title=”Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Core Diagnostics has received USD 12 million (around Rs 82 crore) funding from various investors including US-based F-Prime Capital Partners.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:15 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards” title=”ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/&


gt; Digital payments facilitator ItzCash has signed up with 100 small- and large-sized companies to offer pre-loaded salary cards for their employees in the wake of cash withdrawal limits from banks post ban on Rs 500/1000 notes.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:13 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tAmul to launch camel milk in next 3 months\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months” title=”Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> With food safety regulator FSSAI setting new standards for camel milk, dairy major GCMMF, which sells products under the Amul brand, today said it will launch camel milk in the next three months.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:12 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPar Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr” title=”Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> A Parliamentary panel has raised concerns over Rs 13,745 crore in dues to coal PSUs – CIL, SCCL and NLC – and asked them to recover the amount, which can adversely impact their financial position.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:11 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation” title=”RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> RuPay card usage jumped by over 118.6 per cent in the week following demonetisation that took effect from November 8 mid-night while the overall debit and credit card transactions recorded an increase of 70.5 per cent.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:10 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr” title=”BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Public sector player Bank of Baroda has raised Rs 1,000 crore by issuing bonds that are compliant with global capital adequacy norms or Basel III.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:09 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tDCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for ‘cash free’ payments\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for ‘cash free’ payments” title=”DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for ‘cash free’ payments” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Hopping on to the cashless drive, new generation private lender DCB Bank today launched Cippy Wallet app for digital payments.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:08 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t”


        “executionTime”: “4917 ms”


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        “uxmap”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “<%    var newLink = ” + title + ”;\n  print(newLink);  %><%print(\”

\”);%><% %>”


        “payload”: “{\”title\”:[\”Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\”],\”link\”:[\”\”],\”description\”:[\” Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\”],\”pubDate\”:[\”Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\”],\”guid\”:[\”\”],\”hash\”:\”f7dbaed7ebe3d9cb5f265779bd969da6\”,\”_fields_\”:{\”channel\”:\”latestnews\”},\”_labels_\”:{\”channel\”:\”Latest News\”},\”secretKey\”:\”n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\”,\”contentType\”:\”application/xml\”,\”_last_run\”:\”2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\”}”,

        “response”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha


            “updatedSessionStore”: {

                “EnterpriseContext”: {},

                “BotContext”: {},

                “UserContext”: {},

                “UserSession”: {},

                “BotUserSession”: {}



    }, {

        “uxmap”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “<%    var newLink = ” + title + ”;\n  print(newLink);  %><%print(\”

\”);%><% %>”


        “payload”: “{\”title\”:[\”Note ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping\”],\”link\”:[\”\”],\”description\”:[\” The government’s decision to ban old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes has made life difficult for small famers. Trading is a hassle and life in the Madhya Pradesh town is almost at a standstill.\”],\”pubDate\”:[\”Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:14:01 +0530\”],\”guid\”:[\”\”],\”hash\”:\”ef03827acaf965207c72d21905ecc804\”,\”_fields_\”:{\”channel\”:\”latestnews\”},\”_labels_\”:{\”channel\”:\”Latest News\”},\”secretKey\”:\”n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\”,\”contentType\”:\”application/xml\”,\”_last_run\”:\”2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\”}”,

        “response”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “Note ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping


            “updatedSessionStore”: {

                “EnterpriseContext”: {},

                “BotContext”: {},

                “UserContext”: {},

                “UserSession”: {},

                “BotUserSession”: {}



    }, {

        “uxmap”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “<%    var newLink = ‘‘ + title + ‘‘;\n  print(newLink);  %><%print(\”

\”);%><% %>”


        “payload”: “{\”title\”:[\”Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\”],\”link\”:[\”\”],\”description\”:[\” A special anti-money laundering\\r\\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\\r\\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\\r\\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\\r\\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\”],\”pubDate\”:[\”Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\”],\”guid\”:[\”\”],\”hash\”:\”ca41e9749166e2c0b47191460289b6b3\”,\”_fields_\”:{\”channel\”:\”latestnews\”},\”_labels_\”:{\”channel\”:\”Latest News\”},\”secretKey\”:\”n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\”,\”contentType\”:\”application/xml\”,\”_last_run\”:\”2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\”}”,

        “response”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order


            “updatedSessionStore”: {

                “EnterpriseContext”: {},

                “BotContext”: {},

                “UserContext”: {},

                “UserSession”: {},

                “BotUserSession”: {}



    }, {

        “uxmap”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “<%    var newLink = ” + title + ”;\n  print(newLink);  %><%print(\”

\”);%><% %>”


        “payload”: “{\”title\”:[\”Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\”],\”link\”:[\”\”],\”description\”:[\” While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise. The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017. \”],\”pubDate\”:[\”Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\”],\”guid\”:[\”\”],\”hash\”:\”6f5635c0d5e19f73f8690859a4bd4f1d\”,\”_fields_\”:{\”channel\”:\”latestnews\”},\”_labels_\”:{\”channel\”:\”Latest News\”},\”secretKey\”:\”n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\”,\”contentType\”:\”application/xml\”,\”_last_run\”:\”2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\”}”,

        “response”: {

            “channel”: “default”,

            “body”: “Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket


            “updatedSessionStore”: {

                “EnterpriseContext”: {},

                “BotContext”: {},

                “UserContext”: {},

                “UserSession”: {},

                “BotUserSession”: {}





Related Links

Alert Tasks

Alert Tasks deliver timely, relevant, and personalized information from enterprise systems to customers and employees by polling the relevant service in real time or according to a user-defined schedule. These alerts contain detailed information such as name, ID, notes, amount, and more, in a variety of formats for each channel.

Key Features

  • Scheduled Alerts: Users can schedule alerts to trigger according to the days, times, and frequencies they specify.
  • Filtered Alerts: Users can configure alerts to trigger when certain thresholds are met such as amounts, dates, text matches, and more.

Example Use Cases

The following are a few example use cases for alert tasks:

  • Time or location-based promotional offers,
  • Scheduled delivery updates,
  • Inventory level changes,
  • Critical issue notification,
  • Weather related alerts, 
  • Cross-company status changes.


To configure an alert task, you must configure the following settings:

General Settings

The first step is to define what the task looks like to the end-user. The General Settings include details such as task name, connection mode, descriptions, and a few advanced settings such as task demo, search keywords, etc.

  1. Open the VA in which you want to create the alert task.
  2. Select Build from the top menu.
  3. From the left menu, click Conversational Skills -> Alert Tasks.
  4. Click Create Alert Task.
  5. Enter the information required by the Alert Task, according to the table below.



Task Name

The name of the alert task displayed on the Platform.

Display Name

The name of the alert task is displayed in the Store. The Task Name doubles up as the display name by default. However, you can change the display name.

Connection Type

Select one of these connection types for the task:

  1. Webhook – The web application pushes data to a task URL endpoint provided by
  2. RSS – The web service returns RSS feeds when polled by, and may require end-user login credentials.
  3. Webservice – The web service sends data to when polled by using the end-user account login credentials.

Connection Mode

When the Connection Type is set to Webservice, specify the Connection Mode for the connection as:

  1. REST – The alert task uses a REST API connection. or
  2. SOAP – The alert task uses a SOAP API connection.

Input Preconditions:

The intent will be detected only if any of the context tags specified as pre-conditions are available in the context at the time of intent detection. This setting is available after clicking More Options.

Context Output:

Define the context tags to be set in the context when this intent is initiated. This setting is available after clicking More Options.

Advanced Settings

To configure the advanced settings for the task, expand the section and enter the relevant details.

The following table describes the fields in the Advanced Settings section of the General tab.



Task Install Confirmation Message

The message displayed to the end-user when the task is successfully set up.

Turn Off Confirmation Messages

Select Yes to disable confirmation of the execution of a task when using NLP. When No is selected, the user is asked to confirm the task before running it.

Search Keywords

Specify one or more search words an end-user can use to help locate this task in the Bot Store.

Task Demo Link

Enter the demo link, for example, to display a task demo icon next to the task displayed in the Store.


You must define how the end-user must be authorized to get the alert task notification message. For example, Twitter is an alert task using web services that require an authorized end-user. The authorization for the alert task is the same end-user log-in username and password for Twitter to allow to access the end-user account and poll for the alert task data.

Note: Authorization for alert tasks with the Connection Type set to Webhook is not required as part of the alert task configuration.

After you define the general settings for an alert task, the next step is to go to the Authorization section on the API Request tab.

To get started with defining the Authorization for a task,

  1. On the API Request tab, click the Expand icon in the Authorization section.
  2. If you have previously defined authorization for this task, you can select from the Authorization Provider drop-down list. If your task does not require authentication, you can select None in the Authorization Provider drop-down list as shown in the following image.
  3. To define a new authorization provider, click Create New.
  4. On the New Authorization Mechanism window, select the type of authorization used by your bot from the Authorization Type drop-down list.
  5. You can choose one of the following types of authorization:
    1. Basic Auth – A standard protocol to collect username and password information. uses SSL encryption in combination with basic authentication to help secure end-user information. Click here for the configuration details.
    2. OAuth v2 Password Grant Type – Define a custom authorization type for non-standard web service authorization types. Click here for the configuration details.
    3. OAuth v2 Client Credential
    4. OAuth v1 – Enables web applications or web services to access protected resources using an API without end-users having to disclose their login credentials to Click here for the configuration details.
    5. OAuth v2 – The newest version of the OAuth protocol focusing on specific authorization flows for web applications and web services. Click here for the configuration details.
    6. API Key – An identification and authorization token generated or provided by a web application or web service used to identify the incoming application request, and in some cases, also provide authentication for secure access. Click here for the configuration details.

API Requests

Configure the API request that asks for data from your website, system, or web application for the task. You can configure the API Request Settings as an action task for WebHook, Rest, SOAP, or RSS APIs. You can define API Parameters, optional API task Initializer, API Request pre- or post-processor, and the API Request. You also need to add a Response Sample expected from your API Request payload.

After you define the authorization mechanism and then click Save Auth, you are ready to configure the alert task request. The configuration settings for an alert task request are based on the Connection Type that you define for the task:

Bot Responses

After you describe your alert task General tab settings and then configure the alert task API request chain, you are ready to define how the alert task results are displayed to the end-user. This section describes how to configure an alert task response.

To define the response object for an alert task, there are two sections:

  • Report Template Definition – For some tasks, you may want to display report data to the end-user as a link that can display the payload response using a template, such as a table, contact card, or formatted for a specific message type such as a weather report.
    Note: This section is not used for webhook alert tasks, action tasks, or RSS alert tasks.
    Refer here for Configuring the Report Template Definition
  • Message Definition – In this section, you define the look and feel of the data presented to the end-user when the alert is displayed based on the payload delivered by the webhook. Refer here for details.

Alert Settings

Define the schedule or filter settings for the alert. schedule alerts to trigger according to the days, times, and frequencies they specify, whereas filtered alerts trigger when certain thresholds are met such as amounts, dates, text matches, and more.

After you define the General tab settings for your Alert task, configure the API request chain, define the Bot response message, then you are ready to define the settings for the task, such as filters, when the alert task runs, and other advanced options. This section describes how to define the parameters on the Settings tab for an alert task.

Note: This section does not apply to webhook alert tasks.

To configure the settings for an alert task, other than a webhook alert task, you will need to define:

  • Filters – You can define filters for end-users to limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs. For example, you can define a filter for the name, or account, or business. When the alert is set up by the end-user, and the filter applied, only alert messages that meet the filter specifications are displayed to the end-user. For more information, see Defining Filters for a Task.
  • Schedule – Alert tasks only reach out to a web service for data when the VA makes a request. For each task, you need to define when, and how often the web service is queried for data for an alert message. You can define the scheduling options presented to the end-user when the task is set up, as well as the default schedule for the task. For more information, see Configuring the Schedule for a Task.
  • Advanced Settings – In the Advanced Settings section, you can define alert task settings for enabling and limiting the initial set of alert messages displayed to the end-user when the task is set up, define alert message reminders, and if required, prevent duplicate messages sent to the user. For more information, see Define Advanced Settings.

Version Namespaces

Associate the Variable Namespaces to be used to execute this task. The system will use the variables only from these Namespaces to execute this task. This option is only available if you have enabled Namespaces. Learn more

Version History

You may need to troubleshoot alert tasks that have been upgraded. In the XO Platform , you can view version changes of each alert task to determine if, and how many times an alert task was upgraded.

In the Alert Tasks section, click the Settings (gear) icon for the task to view versions for, and then click Version History.

The Version History page contains the following columns:

  • Version Number – The version number of the upgrade as a minor upgrade, using X.X syntax, for example, 1.3 where 1 is the major version upgrade number, and 3 is the minor version upgrade number.
  • Changed By – The username of the developer of the bot that made the upgrade changes.
  • Changed Date – The date that the bot was approved and published by the Enterprise Admin.
  • Comments – The Upgrade Comments provided by the developer that made the changes to the bot for an upgrade.

The following illustration is an example of the Version History page for a bot with three minor upgrades, and one major upgrade to version 2.

View Logs

You may need to troubleshoot alert tasks. In the Bot Builder tool, you can view logged events for configured and published alert tasks that interact with the Bots Platform and third-party applications. The View Logs command displays archived log events for each alert task instance that you can use to view the alert task request and the application response.

In the Alert Tasks section, click the Settings (gear) icon for the task to view logs for, and then click View Logs. The Logs page for the bot alert task opens.

You can refresh the entries on the Logs page when needed.

Each log entry represents the results of the alert task as a JSON response.


    “requestLogs”: [{

        “name”: “Request 1”,

        “request”: {

            “endpoint”: “{channel}.xml”,

            “pathFields”: {

                “channel”: “latestnews”,

                “lastRun”: “2016-12-02T16:50:45Z”,

                “now”: “2016-12-02T16:56:37Z”,

                “today”: “2016-12-02”


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                “If-Modified-Since”: “Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:30:28 GMT”,

                “If-None-Match”: “\”525734-3a49-5426bfa6dff80\””



        “response”: {

            “status”: 200,

            “headers”: {

                “server”: “Kore.aiOps”,

                “last-modified”: “Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:50:10 GMT”,

                “accept-ranges”: “bytes”,

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                “content-length”: “3554”,

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                “cache-control”: “max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate”,

                “age”: “0”,

                “connection”: “keep-alive”


            “body”: ” \n\t \n\t \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Latest News\n\t\t\t\tLatest News from\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:20:01 +0530\n\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Logo\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tFeed provided by Moneycontrol.\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tPradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha” title=”Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tNote ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Archana Shukla” title=”Archana Shukla” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The government’s decision to ban old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes has made life difficult for small famers. Trading is a hassle and life in the Madhya Pradesh town is almost at a standstill.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:14:01 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket” title=”Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise. The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tMallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order” title=”Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> A special anti-money laundering\r\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\r\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\r\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\r\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRussian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist” title=”Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The bank said it managed to recover some of that amount – USD26 million — but it did not say if that meant the rest had been stolen.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:46:45 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBank of England’s Haldane warns against hasty rate hike\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Bank of England’s Haldane warns against hasty rate hike” title=”Bank of England’s Haldane warns against hasty rate hike” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The Bank of England’s chief economist, Andrew Haldane, said on Friday it would be risky to raise interest rates too hastily and that he was comfortable with the BoE’s recent shift to a neutral stance on what its next monetary policy move should be.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:44:54 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tTourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch” title=”Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The demonetisation move is impacting various segments of the society. The tourists coming to India are also feeling the pinch of the cash crunch. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:53 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPolitical funding audits key to success of demonetisation: Pros\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Ashok Lahiri” title=”Ashok Lahiri” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> The political parties must be open to audits, believe both Govinda Rao, former member, PMEA and Ashok Lahiri, former chief economic advisor. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:32 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCore Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors” title=”Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Core Diagnostics has received USD 12 million (around Rs 82 crore) funding from various investors including US-based F-Prime Capital Partners.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:15 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards” title=”ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/&


gt; Digital payments facilitator ItzCash has signed up with 100 small- and large-sized companies to offer pre-loaded salary cards for their employees in the wake of cash withdrawal limits from banks post ban on Rs 500/1000 notes.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:13 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tAmul to launch camel milk in next 3 months\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months” title=”Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> With food safety regulator FSSAI setting new standards for camel milk, dairy major GCMMF, which sells products under the Amul brand, today said it will launch camel milk in the next three months.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:12 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPar Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr” title=”Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> A Parliamentary panel has raised concerns over Rs 13,745 crore in dues to coal PSUs – CIL, SCCL and NLC – and asked them to recover the amount, which can adversely impact their financial position.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:11 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation” title=”RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> RuPay card usage jumped by over 118.6 per cent in the week following demonetisation that took effect from November 8 mid-night while the overall debit and credit card transactions recorded an increase of 70.5 per cent.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:10 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr” title=”BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Public sector player Bank of Baroda has raised Rs 1,000 crore by issuing bonds that are compliant with global capital adequacy norms or Basel III.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:09 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tDCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for ‘cash free’ payments\n\t\t\n\t\t<img src=”” alt=”DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for ‘cash free’ payments” title=”DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for ‘cash free’ payments” border=”0″ width=”75″ height=”75″ align=” left” hspace=”5″/> Hopping on to the cashless drive, new generation private lender DCB Bank today launched Cippy Wallet app for digital payments.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:08 +0530\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t”


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        “payload”: “{\”title\”:[\”Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\”],\”link\”:[\”\”],\”description\”:[\” Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\”],\”pubDate\”:[\”Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\”],\”guid\”:[\”\”],\”hash\”:\”f7dbaed7ebe3d9cb5f265779bd969da6\”,\”_fields_\”:{\”channel\”:\”latestnews\”},\”_labels_\”:{\”channel\”:\”Latest News\”},\”secretKey\”:\”n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\”,\”contentType\”:\”application/xml\”,\”_last_run\”:\”2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\”}”,

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            “body”: “Note ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping


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\”);%><% %>”


        “payload”: “{\”title\”:[\”Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\”],\”link\”:[\”\”],\”description\”:[\” A special anti-money laundering\\r\\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\\r\\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\\r\\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\\r\\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\”],\”pubDate\”:[\”Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\”],\”guid\”:[\”\”],\”hash\”:\”ca41e9749166e2c0b47191460289b6b3\”,\”_fields_\”:{\”channel\”:\”latestnews\”},\”_labels_\”:{\”channel\”:\”Latest News\”},\”secretKey\”:\”n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\”,\”contentType\”:\”application/xml\”,\”_last_run\”:\”2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\”}”,

        “response”: {

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            “body”: “Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order


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